Thursday 20 June 2013

risk assessment

Action to reduce risk
Room 411
Working on computers
Back pain from sitting at computer
Adjust your chair so that you are more comfortable to work, make sure you are not straining your back or neck whiles working.
Room 411
Working on computers
Eye strain
If you are sitting at the computer for a long time you might get eye strain so take a break of the computer for about 10 minutes.
Room 411
Walking around the classroom
Trip hazard
You should walk around the class and not run, you should be careful and look when you walking as you might trip over something and pull out a wire from the computer.
Room 411
Working on computers
Electric shock
When sitting at computers don’t pull at any wires as you may get an electric shock, so leave the wire and don’t touch them.
Room 411
Moving around the room
Banging into tables and chairs
If the room is too cramped, remove some of the equipment in the room so it is not a hazard.

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