Friday, 25 January 2013

LO1 P1 Research into the conventions of DVD Covers

Production schedule

Unit 12 Print Media Skills - Lesson Schedule
23-Jan1 periodproduce a production scedule 
In study periods reserach genre and DVD covers!
25-Jan2 periodsdrafting designs and original photography
In study periods collect logos on the bbfc
28-Jan1 periodKnow what film you want to do and finish the draft designs
To know what pictures you want to put in your DVD cover
06-Feb1 periodStart to do your computer draft
08-Feb2 periodsphotoshoot
11-Feb1 PeriodDrafting Complete
Half Termdo more on computer draft
27-Feb1 periodMake sure computer draft is nearly done
01-Mar2 periodsFinish computer draft
04-Mar1 periodcomputer draft due
Start to work on the final piece for the deadline
13-Mar1 PeriodDeadline

Mood Board